Michele Estes

There is a lot of power and beauty in your work. The drawings and paintings almost speak to the soul, like they came into fruition to wake people up, to calm them down, to inspire them, etc. What would you like people to get from looking at your work? Any certain type of emotion or realization?
I think all art speaks to all souls in their own way. I like people to take the message that they have created just by how it made them feel when they look at it. Art is free flowing, random. I like to embrace the random. I like to also add some humor to kill any seriousness that might be within my more busy pieces. I usually have some sort of messages hidden within my pieces.
Do you believe that creativity and the desire to do art is a gift from the divine or the pure source of life?
I believe that sometimes higher beings want to send a message and they work with the artist to channel these messages from the divine.

If you could sum up your spirit in 3 words, what would those be?
If I could? Charismatic, fun, free
What do you think happens after life?
You get in a bad ass vessel of your choosing and you are called back to your origins to talk about your earth mission with your own kind. If you haven’t fully gained the information that you need from your earth mission, you gotta get another human vessel and get back to another soul journey. Some of us have been here for a long time gathering information.
Any prophetic dreams? Ones you've painted?
I have these dreams about aliens that I’ve been meaning to put into a piece of art but the reason for me not doing that is because I haven’t been able to capture the darkness that comes with these alien dreams. My style seems too colorful and wild. I want to capture a darker feel that I haven’t been able to put on paper yet. Keyword: Yet.
Have shrooms or acid played a role in some of your work or have most of them been created while taking nothing at all?
I create my pieces completely sober. When I’m on those types of substances my energy usually flows out of my body and I can’t sit still for the life of me. Art requires my undivided attention. I really love to talk and interact with other people when I am in that mind state and my art requires me to be anti-social for long periods of time. The inspiration from what I’ve seen and experienced through my trips I will apply to my art when I am sober. One day I’ll sit down and give art a shot when I’m frying balls. Bucket list!

Some of your paintings show a lot of depth in terms of humanity and what is going on, would you say you paint to inform people in some way or another?
I just want people to look at my art for longer than 10 seconds. That’s one reason I make my stuff so busy. I want them to sit there and see the whole story behind it all. I have fun doing it and I want people to have fun looking at it. Especially if you are high. Wink wink.
Favorite subject matter or reoccurring themes?
I enjoy drawing certain things within my art all the time. Hair is a big one for me. Clocks and time are another, and women. I like the flow of it. I’m not very blocky with my stuff.
Where do you think creativity comes from?
Myself. I am a God therefore I create.
What were you like as a kid?
I was a shy kid. I remember hiding behind my parents and just observing the world. Completely different to who I am now. Not shy, in your face.
Is there a certain band, song or singer that makes you want to paint/draw?
I am in love with Tool. But honestly, electronic music that has no lyrics inspires me, because I have no words to focus on. My brain plays more freely when there is music with no lyrics generally.
Is there a certain place that causes your brain to flood with ideas?
My own space is the only place that causes my brain to flood with ideas. I need to be around my belongings that I have gathered to help inspire me. I like to trade nature for earthy things like stones, branches, flowers, pine cones, etc.
Who would play you if someone were to make a movie about your life?
Someone with a lot of energy, attitude, goofy, sarcastic, talkative, but has to have some charm and some tomboy grace. Can’t really think of a particular female that could do it currently.
Have any seriously strong opinions about one particular thing?
If you want to share your opinions with others and expect them to listen to you, well then you better pay the same respects and do exactly the same in return when it comes to sharing their opinions with you. I feel very strongly about that.
What is the strangest thing you’ve seen?
Uhm, well strange is a great and interesting quality. I’ve seen strange things but just so we’re on the same page I really appreciate strange things so it’s not necessarily a negative thing. I feel like my interaction was the most crazy/strange thing I’ve experienced. I don’t usually have interactions with the other-side because I told myself as a kid that I couldn’t handle it. I made a Ouija board and used a ring made by my boyfriend at the time. My sister and I were talking to a 14 year old kid who had passed away in a car accident and I wanted him to prove that he was present within the room so I didn’t think my sister was moving it, and vice versa. So he told us if we would flash my bedroom door he would show us. So my sister and I went about 10 feet away from the board and the candles that were lit around the board and we both flashed the door and the candles all went out. There was no way she did it because she was next to me. I burned the Ouija board and never played with another one.
What do you get really excited about?
I get really excited about seeing loved ones after not seeing them for long periods of time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and it’s an excitement that can’t be beat! I’m a lover.
What was the first song to give you the chills?
I know that I’ve listened to people sing as a kid and have gotten the chills from their voices on a regular basis but just songs from my stereo, it’s gotta be "Lateralus" by Tool.
Favorite medium?
I use marker, ink, colored pencil, and construction paper generally. I like to take the pencil and color over the marker to create a bolder look. The construction paper are for a more 3D kind of look.
Favorite joke?
Q:What do you do if your kotex catches on fire?
A: Pull it out...throw it on the ground...and tampon it.
I just imagined a kotex just spontaneously combusting in my pants and that in itself cracked me up, because I’m a redhead.
What makes you smile?
Seeing loved ones, sweet small messages/gifts left unexpectedly in random places, people sharing their freshly made music that hasn’t been put out to the public yet, and flattery! I am a Queen.
What do you think the world needs more of?
Forgiveness, acceptance, and courage to be true to yourself.