A few words with Rob Currie
Producing. Coffee. Creativity. Random Skills. Hating Censorship.

Rob LOVES Coffee, Frank Zappa, Hank Williams & More Coffee.
What do you do in the music industry?
I have been playing guitar since I was 10 years old. My main influence, musically speaking is Frank Zappa, Hank Williams and The Weakerthans.
I run a recording studio in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada which is located a Vintage Music and Antique Shop. I have played mostly in experimental bands over the years but I am now more geared towards Folk and Country (old style country not the new shit). My true love for music comes in the form of producing!
Name something you love and why?
Coffee. I love coffee culture. I find this simple hot beverage simply the most inspiring thing in the world. I always ask myself "Could I drink coffee to this?".
How do you tap in to your creative headspace?
This is a tough one. I struggle very much with this. I go through really creative phases but I also go through the most uninspiring and uncreative moments as well. It makes it hard when your living is almost completely dependent on your brain to be creative. I think putting on a record that is very familiar and meaningful helps ease you back into a creative headspace, well that and coffee...
If you could acquire one random skill?
It would be the skill to stop thinking. Thinking is the worst when it comes to being creative and playing music, for me anyways. As soon as you start thinking about something like screwing up on stage, you will. Music has to be as non-thinking as possible, but at the same time it obviously needs that element to a certain degree...thinking can put unnecessary and destructive obstacles in your way.
Have any seriously strong opinions about one particular thing?
Censorship. Fucking hate it.
If someone were to make a movie of your life who would play you?
Either Ray Romano or Kathy Bates...haha