Brilliant Writer. One of a Kind Storyteller.
When did you realize that you had a major passion for writing?
I never considered myself a remotely creative person until I was 19-20ish. I’ve been writing my whole life, but I never realized all that I could do with it until I was a lot older. I guess it really hit me in the beginning of 2013 when I finally forced myself to perform at an open mic at the Mercury Café. I was so nervous, but addicted to that place ever since. I ended up meeting so many other inspiring people! The main thing though was that a lot of people always talked to me after my performances and told me they could relate, or that I made them cry, or just wanted to thank me for sharing. It blew my mind that sharing the most personal things in my soul could touch strangers so much. I realized that I had a responsibility to use this gift to comfort, help, love, or inspire as many people as possible.
A Few Words with April Mack
How does it help you to deal with all of life’s challenges?
Art has literally saved my life. I don’t know how else to put that, but I know I’d probably be dead by now if I didn’t have an outlet for all the pain I used to lug around.
What themes do you pursue?
The main ones are mental illness, addiction, and growth. I believe everyone is an artist, but most people starve that part of themselves til it’s dead. But if you feed it and fuel the fire it will grow forever. I just want people to pursue a passion instead of the typical American dream. I don’t care what you’re passionate about: music, sports, cars, animals, children, painting—whatever, just feed your souls please.
How do you tap into your creative headspace?
I put on instrumental music, I watch my favorite spoken word videos and read my favorite poems. If I have writers block, I just start making lists of words I want to use and eventually string them into sentences. I have inspiriting conversations with other people that create or appreciate art.
What has been your coolest dream?
After my grandma passed away I would often dream about her, that we were together again and she still had her memory. We had lots of simple conversations and It felt real and safe.
What makes you smile?
The way children just say whatever they’re thinking, any type of dog ever, quality beer, indescribably beautiful music, holding hands, my Mom’s facebook posts, the good kind of full after a satisfying meal, fall leaves, my bed.
What is the scariest thing you’ve done?
Threw my life in a suitcase and moved to Hawaii with only $50 in my bank account.
What do you think happens after life?
We look into God’s eyes and all our questions are answered.
What inspires you most? What food, drink, song, movie, etc inspires you?
I’m inspired by nature, pain, colors, music, passion, and emotion. I am inspired by endless flavors of tea and bottomless cups of coffee. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my all time favorites.
What is the biggest personal change you’ve made?
Stop worrying about 50 little things a day, put God first in life and he will put everything in it’s place in perfect timing.
Do you think your work has some spiritual or symbolic ties?
Absolutely. I made a pretty dramatic life change when I was 18 and spent a year doing missionary work. Christianity is a huge part of my life, but I never preach at anyone through my art. It’s more like I just allow God to use me to write whatever he wants.
Who is someone that you really look up to as an artist?
Lately I have been super into Michael Lee’s poetry. His spoken word is unreal and I could listen to him all day long. He uses metaphors that way Picasso uses a paintbrush and I aspire to be on his level someday. As far as artists I personally know…I would say my friends Josh, Ryan, Victor, and Hedgee. We went through this 6 month phase of pouring everything into our art and we got so close through it all and they constantly motivated me to push myself as an artist.
What is your favorite joke?
I LOVE cheesy jokes and cheesy pick up lines. The only one that’s coming to mind at the moment is ‘Are you a beaver, cause damn.’
What kitchen utensil would you be?
That thing in your drawer that you hardly ever use, but when it comes in handy you are so glad you have it. Like a grapefruit knife.

"Always push yourself towards growth. If you are a better person than you were last month than you are making progress even if it’s small."